Monday, October 31, 2011

Small Kiln - Tack Fuse

IN KILN: Yin/Yang dragonfly. The yin/yang was previously fired at a full fuse. Two clear/irid pieces with PearlEx design stamped onto clear and placed down toward irid. Hair spray was used as the sticking medium. PearlEx was brushed on the stamp and the excess was tapped off to avoid excess PearlEx falling off. 2 frit/powder pieces.
Here are the pieces before the firing.
And after being fired. Two observations- the change in color of the dragonfly body started with Uroboros Marigold. Normally this color stays true after firing, but it shifted to a brown color when CMC was added to make glass clay. I'm happier with this shift in color since it softens the look. Also the head moved. Also the frit/powder pieces should be at a full fuse. Here's the firing schedule for a tack fuse: Starting Temp: 64 deg. Vented the kiln by keeping the peep hole open until 800 deg. reaches. (should have tried to keep it vented until it reached 1,000 deg, but I was pressed for time) Low for2 hours. Temp reached 800 at 2 hours (= Ramp @ 400 DPH) @ 2 hours - increased to Lev. 2. @+30 min. -temp. = 1090 deg. Increased to Lev. 3. (= Ramp @ 200 DPH) @+30 min. temp. = 1200 deg. Increased to Lev. 4 (=Ramp @ 200 DPH) @+30 min. temp = 1350 deg. Hold @ 1350 for 15 minutes. Turned off and let cool.

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