Saturday, May 30, 2009

3 firings
powder to Uroboros 8" plate

This is the final piece for the summer solstice run "metal." I think it's going to be mounted onto a plaque.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

These were supposed to be for a "summer solstice" fun run. They didn't have the look I was trying for so Dave suggested drilling a hole and making them sun catchers. He put them up in the crape myrtle and they look nice there.

I realized before I took them out of the kiln where my mistake was. The earlier test piece with frit was make to look like a sunset. I used the same colors and format. But after I put them in the kiln, I realized I didn't want these to look like a sunset, but a sunburst. Big difference. So I have another one I'm going to fire this weekennd.

These are a clear base with:
BE white in center
Uroboros Marigold
BE Canary Yellow
BE Orange
BE Red
BE Purple Gold
BE Midnight Blue
The frit was built up to approx 3/8" thick. A water/gum arabic medium was used to bind and get the frit to flow.
I fired to Full Fuse

The next one will have
BE White
BE Canary yellow
BE Powder Blue
That will be posted after fired.

Saturday, May 2, 2009


This was the first fuse in the kiln. It was supposed to be a full fuse, but ended up more like a partial.

Both pcs are thick BE.

Starting temp 48 deg. Turn on Lo
At 30 min, 440 deg., ramped to level 1.5
At 60 min, temp at 650 deg.
At 1 hr 30 min, temp at 796 deg. Ramped to Level 2.0
At 2 hrs 11 min., temp at 940 deg. Ramped to Level 3.0
At 2 hr 20 min, temp at 1000 deg. Held at this Level for 10 min.
At 2 hr 30 min, temp at 1050 deg. Ramped to Level 4.0
At 3 hr, temp at 1240 deg. Ramped up to Level 7.0 for rapid heat.
At 3 hr 10 min, kiln at 1480 deg. Turned to Lo for annealing.
At 4 hr 22 min, kiln temp at 1047 deg.
At 4 hr 46 min, kiln temp at 1000 deg.
At 5 hr 11 min, kiln temp at 980 deg.
At 5 hr 56 min, kiln turned off.


This was a test done with frit. The left was applied "dry" with no medium to hold it. The right was applied "wet" with a medium of water mixed in with some gum arabic.

Other test pieces done at the same time. (not shown)
Desired result was that the baking powder or baking soda will bubble (as with baking).
Test 2 pc clear with dry baking powder in between
Test 2 pc clear with wet baking powder in between
Test 2 pc clear with dry baking soda in between
Test 2 pc clear with wet baking soda in between.

Wet medium was a 50/50 solution of water/gum arabic.
Results not shown-where the baking soda and baking powder were applied thickly, the powder didn't burn off and a white clump stayed-not at all attractive. The wet and dry methods had a different appearance when fused.

Where the powder went on VERY LIGHTLY, the baking powder and baking soda burned off and left bubbles. The light application was towards the outside so the burning off of the powder could have been affected by this. Must do another test piece where the whole application of powder or soda is a light film.

There didn't seem to be a difference of results between the baking powder or baking soda.

Starting temp 85 deg.
Turn kiln on Lo
At 45 min, temp = 520 deg.
Turn up to Level 2

At 1 hr 39 min, temp = 845 deg
Turn up to Level 3

At 2 hr 27 min,, temp = 1090 deg
Hold at this temp for 10 minutes. Played with control to keep kiln at this consistant temp.

After 10 minutes, keep at Level 3 and let temp rise.

At 3 hr 45 min, temp at 1450 deg.
Hold for 10 min.

At 3 hr 55 min, turned off kiln and let cool overnight.