BE Black 6mm
BE White 3mm
Glassline black, diluted and used a kemper tool to draw it on.
3/29/09 - fired to slump
Starting temp 68 deg
Turn on Lo
45 min. Temp at 528 deg turn up to Level 2
2 hours into firing time, 829 deg turn up to Level 3
2:30 hours, 960 deg, turn up to Level 3.5
At 2:40, temp at 1000 deg. Hold for 20 minutes, turning down to 2.5 to hold at this temp.
3:00 turn up to Level 3.5 When temp gets to 1250, hold 20 min.
4:45 Vent and turn off/Lo.
5:30 turn off at 950 deg.
Above = this schedule
400 dph to 1000.
Hold at 1000 deg for 10 min
Ramp up 200 dph to 1250. Hold 20 minutes
Cooled down to 950 deg. Hold 45 min
I didn't do the first firing. This was done in class. But I did slump it at home. When I slumped, the white devit. It's not showing up clearly in the pic. But I'm considering keeping it the way it is because it gives the white a parchment-like look.
I used the lap grinder to smooth out the edges, but I'm not getting the glossy finish on the edge. So I'm going to have to fire polish this piece.